'REPAIR' Presentation by Professor Peter Erdi
REPAIR: When and How to Improve Broken Objects, Ourselves, and Our Society
Presented by Professor Peter Erdi
REPAIR: When and How to Improve Broken Objects, Ourselves, and Our Society
Presented by Professor Peter Erdi
Éva Vanamee PhD
Research consultant and co-founder of a biotech startup, protein chemist and structural biologist.
Talk title: Designing next generation immune therapeutics
Corporate Presenters: Artract and Cytocast
Artract is a fully implantable non-active Medical Device without blood contact that frees the apex of the heart in order to allow for inverse longitudinal shortening, in this way improving heart function and reducing left atrial pressure, which increases patients quality of live and live expectancy. Dr. Wolfgang Goetz, Founder and Executive Chairman of Artract and Venock, will be presenting.
Flight simulators are used to test pilots, we create a cell simulator to test treatments. Cytocast Ltd. is a Budapest-based startup company that revolutionizes drug discovery and personalized treatment by integrating bioinformatics databases with patient data into computer models to understand the effects of perturbations caused by diseases and predict how drugs can modify cellular health.Prof. Attila Csikász-Nagy, CEO of Cytocast, will be presenting.
About NYC MedTech
NYC MedTech is a professional platform that assists many different collaborators in the life science, biotech, device and pharma industries to achieve successful outcomes. This unique program not only brings together companies and investors but all people who are involved in these industries, from reporters, scientists, academia, trade organizations, to international partners et. al. htttp://nycmedtech.info
Serving science and the nation: the renewed mission and strategic goals of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Presentation by Tamas Freund, President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Tamás F. Freund is a neurobiologist, currently the President of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Professor and Chairman of the Neuroscience Department of the Péter Pázmány Catholic University in Budapest. His primary research interest is the functional architecture and physiology of neuronal circuits in the cerebral cortex. Tamás Freund graduated as a biologist at the Loránd Eötvös University in Budapest. After several years of research at Semmelweis University in Budapest, Oxford University, Lund University and the University of California he became head of department (1990), deputy director (1993), and director (2002-2020) of the Institute of Experimental Medicine of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He served as president of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) from 2004 till 2006, and as member of the Executive Committee of the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO, 1998-2006). He is member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (since 1998), the Academia Europaea (London, 2000), the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina (2001), the Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea (2001), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (2014), and the Pontificia Academia Pro Vita (2019). His major international awards include: the Demuth Award (Switzerland, 1991), the KRIEG Cortical Discoverer Award and the Cajal Medal (1998, U.S.A.), the Kemali Award (1998) and the Brain Prize (2011, Denmark). In Hungary, he was awarded the Bolyai Prize (2000, Hungary), the Széchenyi Prize, (2005), and the Prima Primissima Award (2013).
Innovations in Ultra High-Speed 3D Fluorescence Imaging by Richard Kozma
Insights of the Hungarian innovation in ultra high-speed 3d Fluorescence Imaging. Journey from a research tool developed at the Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Science to the fastest multiphoton product on the market.
Advances in cancer management - from precision oncology to a focus on mitigating the impact of Covid-19 by Professor Balazs Halmos
Our goal is to encourage young women to engage in science or business. With the examples of successful Hungarian female scientists and entrepreneurs, we would like to show examples that can inspire young people to pursue a scientific or entrepreneurial career. Three moderated panel discussions are planned, one focusing on science, the other on business, and the third on the youngest generation, when Hungarian students at various US universities will speak about their experiences.
Magyar ostortenet-kutatasok a Habsburgok Birodalmaban, a szovjet diktatura alatt a XX. szazadban es napjainkban. Honnan hova jutottunk? Mi var rank?
Az Arpad-haz genetikajanak meghatarozasa, eredete
A kereszteny magyarsag evezredes emlekei, Magyarorszag harmadik kiralya, Aba Samuel egyhazi kozpontjanak (1042) feltarasa, bemutatasa
We are pleased to announce that after a year and a half hiatus, we will be able to organize in-person scientific events again!
6:30 - 7:00 welcoming reception (drinks, Hungarian food)
7:00-7:15 clarinet concert by Noemi Sallai
7:15 – 8:00 scientific talk by Agnes, Mocsy, PhD
WEBINAR TITLE: Recent Progress in Magnetic Fusion Energy Research
SPEAKER: Professor Miklos Porkolab (MIT)
Professor, Department of Physics
Plasma Science and Fusion Center, MIT
Dr. Charles Vörösmarty PhD
Director, Environmental Sciences Initiative
Director, Environmental Crossroads Group
Professor of Civil Engineering, The City College of New York
Webinar: A discussion by Professor Charles Vörösmarty, PhD around how COVID-19 interacts with the larger challenges of the modern urban environment. A comparison of the disruption of the moment (i.e., COVID-19) to the broader environmental challenges facing us in the anthropocene with focus on the cities and interleave some key environmental issues with those of social equity and justice.
The Notion of Universality in László Moholy-Nagy’s work by Alexandra Karakas, Eötvös Loránd University; PhD School in Philosophy
Annual Fundraising Gala Dinner with distinguished guests:
Professor Miklos Porkolab (MIT)
Progress in International Magnetic Fusion Research and Recent US Plans to Accelerate the Development of Fusion Energy Controlled fusion promises to provide a safe, pollution free and abundant energy source for thousands of years for mankind.
Bence Szepesi (clarinet performance)
Please RSVP here
Invited Speakers:
Charles Vorosmarty and Balazs Fekete
Emmanuel Fombu MD MBA is the Global Head of Innovation at Johnson & Johnson and the author of the best-selling Future of Health care. He will discuss new technologies and artificial intelligence in healthcare.
Imre Varju MD PhD MPH is a Fulbright Scholar in molecular medicine, a Certified Health Education Specialist, and a recent graduate of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. He will talk about artificial intelligence and public health.
Please RSVP here
This presentation will examine the ways in which Hungarian identity has been given different meanings and forms of expression in the past over one hundred years. Using important literary and theoretical works, the presentation will identify certain enduring articulations of national belonging from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present, as expressed by writers working within Hungary and beyond.
Please kindly RSVP on Eventbrite
Please register on the link below by the 15th of February.
Mapping, characterization and specific inhibition of allosteric protein-protein interactions in signaling networks involved in tumorigenesis and Alzheimer disease
A lecture by Péter Závodszky PhD
A lecture by Gabor Forgacs PhD
An Intersection of the Natural and Social Sciences in the Field of Sport
Our invited speakers: Emese Ivan PhD, MBA and Andras Nemeth
Please RSVP here.
Fundraising gala dinner with the Szent-Gyorgyi Young Investigator Award ceremony
Our distinguished speakers of the event: Professor Alexander Preker and Professor Martin Zsarnoczky, PhD
Dr Alexander Preker - Investing in Hungary’s Future: The Commercial Opportunities Created Recent Scientific Discoveries
Dr. Martin Zsarnoczky PhD - The life quality and well-being in the aging processes of seniors
Please RSVP on Eventbrite: https://nyhss_annual_fundraising_gala_dinner.eventbrite.com
The New York Hungarian Scientific Society invites you to our event organized to foster a more informed understanding of neuroscience, specifically neuropsychiatric drugs such as MDMA, cannabidiol and psilocybin, and their novel therapeutic approaches in the scientific arena.
Our outstanding speakers: Peter Gombkoto, Balazs Szigeti, Justin Townsend and Lilla Horvath
A scientific event organized to better understand the microbiome (bacteria living in symbiosis with the human body), infectious diseases and clinical metagenomics –where it all started and what the future holds in a public health standpoint.
Our speakers: Dorottya Nagy-Szakal, MD PhD and Daniela Bezdan, PhD
An evening with inspiring young professionals from the field of theoritical and applied mathematics.
The evening includes 10 minutes short presentations followed by a panel discussion of the speakers.
by Agnes Perenyi MD FAAP
In 2018, we celebrate the 200th years’ anniversary of Ignaz Semmelweis birth commemorating his achievements in the field of medicine.